sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

As Torradas beach, Aviño

I'm back in Toledo, but I'm going to write about Malpica and surroundings, becasuseI have many photos I take every year, which clearly illustrate the beauty of galician land.We discovered As Torradas beach last year, by mistake. We actually drove to Razo beach, Carballo, but I took a wrong road. Leaving Malpica towards Buño, you have to come into this village, and in the manin street running through it, near the exit, there is a signpost on the left that says "Aviño, Razo, Praias, Monte Neme". We must take this road, (it is a secondary road) and drive towards the mountain. It seems it's not going to finish, but the landscape is that so beautiful  of the galician mountain, so green and with eucalyptus and ferns everywhere. And the smell of eucalyptus when you lower the car windows. This is waht I like most when I get to Galicia: to low the windows and feel this smell.

The surprise at the end of the road was to discover a secluded beach, with very few people, beautiful and wild. Strong waves and mean wind, with bright sunshine. Some children were playing in the sand, others watched the landscape ... background, Malpica and its port. We spent some time enjoying and playing in the sand, with the promise - to ourselves - to return.

The wooden stairs to go down to As Torradas beach.
There is a creek at its rigth that runs down to the beach.

View to the right.
Beyond is the beach of Razo (not visible from here)

View to the left.
The village you see in the distance is Malpica

I can not fail to note that it is dangerous to swim on this beach, as in many other of the Coast of Death (Costa de la Muerte), which was not named so for this, but because of the number of shipwrecks which has been throughout its history . However, it also could be so called because of its dangerous sea. In this region the sea has many streams, which carry the reckless inward. All my life I have heard of people who have drowned here, even experienced swimmers.

If you look closely on the structure of this beach, it is very exposed to the sea (offshore) and makes us think that it is not safe. This beach, like many others, does not have surveillance, so you have to swim where I was said when I was as a child, "on the edge, Karina."

The hill near the beach. Did you think that there was no green?
Nothing to do with the beaches of southern Spain

In Galicia you don't have to choose between "beach or mountains." You have both together if you want, and there are numerous hiking trails, some marked and labeled as such, and some not. It's the adventure;)

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